About Our Team
Marilyn Nicanor
Owner, Artist, Reiki Practitioner
I am the owner of Rays of Sol. It was always a dream of mine to own a sauna and have a place to showcase my artwork. I wanted a space where I could have two things that I love. I have always enjoyed sitting in saunas and would even create one at home using steam from my hot bath and the vents that blow heat into my bathroom.
I am a self taught artist and have been drawing for as long as I can remember. I have been drawing people since I was 6 years old. I remember I use to sit in the kitchen and draw any company my mother had over. I just love to capture people’s expressions on paper and capture the true essence of the person I am drawing. I’ve always used my art as a way to heal and express my emotions on paper. Along with art, I also have a passion for music. I started playing the violin when I was 9, and I am currently enrolled at UWEC in Art and Music. I plan to advance my career there and help people heal with my knowledge and use of both. I was in a car accident years ago and have tried many things to help with the pain in my body. I use music, reiki, and the infrared sauna for my healing.
When I created Rays of Sol my goal was to help people heal. I want people to be able to look at the beautiful art while sitting in the sauna and enjoy the art that continues to heal me. The name Rays of Sol was inspired by my Latino background. Sol means sun in Spanish and I want people to feel the warmth and think of the sun while in the Infrared Sauna. I also wanted to include my name in my business since I am named after both my grandmothers. Nicanor is my grandmother who had passed away years ago. After quitting my art for so long since I didn’t think I could make a living, I felt inspired to draw a portrait of her. It was then when I realized art was my passion and I wanted to do something that I love and made me feel good. I invite you to Rays of Sol and try any of my services and benefit from the healing properties from the art, sauna, and reiki.
Troy Brostom
Reiki Practitioner, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique Practitioner
I have always had a passion for helping others. I first heard about Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) in 2011 and first heard of Reiki in 2012. After many years of curiosity and research, I decided to get more involved than just looking up videos on YouTube.
In 2017 I had my first QHHT session done in Minneapolis. I was blown away by the information and spiritual awakening that occurred from that session. In May 2019, I felt I was ready to take Reiki I class. It felt natural and I loved the idea of being able to help people with emotional, physical and spiritual issues that we all face at one time or another. I continued to practice my skills and in March of 2020, I completed Reiki II and learned even more valuable tools!
In February 2020 I traveled to Miami, Florida for an 8 day seminar learning QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique). It was the most amazing week of intense spiritual growth and learning. I cannot wait to share what Reiki and QHHT have taught me with each and every one of you!